Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, HI - Victim Advocate Services

    Base Secuity

    Base Secuity is located at Fuller Way, Bldg 278, Pearl Harbor, HI 96860. Base Secuity can be reached by their main phone number at (808) 471-7114. The listed DSN line is 315-471-7114.

    Fleet and Family Support Center

    Fleet and Family Support Center is located at 850 Ticonderoga Street, Suite 100, Pearl Harbor, HI 98860. Fleet and Family Support Center can be reached by their main phone number at (808) 474-1999. Alternatively, you can reach Fleet and Family Support Center by phone at +80 (859) 077-1924. The listed DSN line is 315-474-1999.

    Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) , Fleet and Family Support Center

    Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) , Fleet and Family Support Center is located at 4827 Bougainville Drive, Honolulu, HI 96818. Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) , Fleet and Family Support Center can be reached by their main phone number at (808) 474-1999. Alternatively, you can reach Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) , Fleet and Family Support Center by phone at +80 (872) 261-9224. The listed DSN line is 315-474-1999.